

This was the mission of APKMOSS when it was born. We don't want to be the most visited or the fastest. We want to become a very private space with lots of interesting things to read where everyone is welcome.

do you believe We, young people with passion and enthusiasm, researched and created this website starting with the number zero. And we've worked hard, spent time and money to build a common playing field for you, and for ourselves.

Just for fun

APKMOSS is set with the main criterion is fun, so the articles on the site always contained fun, humor. If you see negative articles and content while reading, please report it to us. We would love to read all of your comments and feedback to make your voices heard.

Creative, simple and mindful

You can see that APKMOSS is simple from the interface. We want to bring you the best information quickly, so we always try to ensure:

• Information must be authentic

• Content gets straight to the point, not bombastic

• Centralized presentation and content enhancement

• Speed ​​is the highest priority

We always welcome new members

Since the day of its foundation, the APKMOSS team consists of 1-2 people. We know that we alone are not enough to create an open and private space as a mission, so APKMOSS always needs contributions from the community. APKMOSS always welcomes those who love writing, love technology to develop APKMOSS with us. With APKMOSS, you will also have your own space and be open to express your own personality in the most comfortable way. You will never again have to write an order in a conventional structure or manner.

You always have to be yourself, that's what we want.

Just the beginning

By now, we know that running and developing a website is complicated. However, this is only the beginning. We hope that this road will be a little thorny (although we know a lot), but hopefully every compliment, encouragement like "your interface is nice" or just a comment is enough energy to continue this journey.

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